Medical benefits of Tummy Tuck Surgery
Tummy tuck surgery is medically termed Abdominoplasty. It is a surgical procedure specially designed to make a toned stomach. It eradicates excess skins and fats to create a flat and toned look. Usually, women after pregnancy opt for this surgery to regain their pre-pregnancy shape. With time, this method has become very popular among women patients. Abdominoplasty surgery has lots of medical benefits. The most important ones are given below.
Eliminates deep-rooted back pain
Recent mothers who gave birth face the back pain problem. After giving birth or major weight loss, women experience back pain due to weakened stomach muscles. So they often visit their doctors with a complaint of back pain. This problem can be treated by Abdominoplasty. Removing the excess stomach fat, the surgery flattens the abdomen and tightens the weakened muscles. Thus, patients can achieve more abdominal support that can alleviate back pain.
Rectifies ventral hernia
When intestinal or abdominal tissues break through the abdominal wall and create a type of pouch or sack, then a ventral hernia is formed. The hernia has many possible sources. The sources are abdominal weakness due to excessive weight loss, caesarean delivery, and an appendectomy. Like, relieving the back pain, the tummy tuck surgery can correct the ventral hernia. The surgery brings back the power of abdominal muscles and thereby mitigates the pressure on the skin.
Reduces Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)
Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) is a urinary bladder control condition that happens when there is excessive pressure on the urinary bladder and urethra. The condition features uncontrollable leakage by sudden actions like laughing, sneezing, coughing, and exercising. It can be treated manually without any help from surgery. But studies show that tummy tuck surgery can treat the SUI. The condition normally occurs to women giving a normal delivery.
Improves the posture of the body
Decreased abdominal strength and increased back pain can lead to an improper posture of the body. The medical treatment of Abdominoplasty can exert a good posture as a by-product of stronger abdominal muscles and alleviate back pain. After the tummy tuck surgery, people feel reborn and standing stoutly. The surgery improves the posture and movement ability too.
The abdominoplasty surgery provides the above-mentioned medical advantages prominently. If a patient is suffering from any of the clinical problems, then he/she can either be treated with normal methods or tummy tuck surgery. So, the surgery is very beneficial as it treats many other medical problems other than tightening stomach muscles.